Be the change you want to see in the world.
☮ Mohandas Gandhi ☮

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Week 13: Marketing in A Digital World vs. Digital Marketing

I think this a great article about channel planning and social media. It basically discusses how most social media advertising is not suited to the medium. Nearly 98% of all online video ads were originally intended for broadcast, and re-purposed for a company’s Facebook, Twitter, blog, etc. Most Facebook ads get less than 5% click-through rates. However, Kimberly-Clark, makers of Kotex, Kleenex, and Huggies have begun “marketing in a digital world,” rather than digital marketing. They ran 2 social media campaigns in Israel that achieved 100% engagement. The cost of which were both less than $10,000, and reached 10% of Israeli population. Both campaigns utilized social media postings by their audience to identify a need. In the Kleenex campaign, they found people posting about being sick, and sent them a gift box of Kleenex. In the Kotex campaign, they utilized Pinterest, sending participants personalized gift boxes with the agreement to “repin” the digital gift. This campaign reached 695,000 impressions for under $10,000.

I think this is very important for marketers to realize. To really generate sales, digital marketing must be more specific and tailored for that medium. It’s no longer enough to post their current television advertisement on their Facebook. Advertisers are going to have to refocus and re-strategize to successfully reach their audiences through the social media medium.


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